An Act of Worship.
Giving to the Lord is an important part of the way we worship. By giving our tithes and offerings we honor God and recognize that it is from the Lord that all blessings flow.
Your Support Matters
By giving you help fund the mission of reaching our community and help support the work of the church around the world. We have a strong desire to see people come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ and grow in their walk with God. It's people like you, who give generously, that allow us to fulfill the mission God has set before us.
Ways to Give
Simply place your tithe or offering in the offering plates as they are passed during the offering time. Offering Envelopes are available for your use.
You can mail a check anytime to:
Pleasanton Nazarene Church, PO BOX 409, Pleasanton, KS 66075
Please do not sent cash in the mail.
You can give securely with a debit or credit card by clicking below. It's easy to use and secure!
Thank You
Your contributions are tax deductible.
Thank you for supporting the work of Pleasanton Nazarene Church!